Monday, January 20, 2014


We finally had some investigators come to church.  We had six on Sunday.

I got sick this week again.  Wasn't too fun.  I lost a lot of weight again.  I had been working out pretty hard the past couple of weeks but will have to start over.
The new chapel should be dedicated this week.  That should make the work a little easier.

We usually teach at least a few lessons a day.  The majority of the time it's either the Restoration, the Gospel, or sabbath day.  I'm trying out this new idea where I've got a sheet of questions that is answered by one of the lessons.  For example, if the person chooses the question "Why are there so many churches today and how can a know which is true?" we teach them the first lesson on the Restoration.  Or if they pick "Where did I come from? Why am I here? Where will I go after dying?" we teach the 2nd lesson on the Plan of Salvation, etc.

Our focus lately has been bringing members to all the lessons.  It's not always easy, but it's a lot easier for the members to hermanar(?) [fellowship] them when they already know who the person is and it's not just some name on a progress report. 

Vamos bien por aquí.  No me puedo quejar de nada.  Tenemos cambios la semana siguiente y es probable que me den otro compañero.  Que estén bien.

elder chase 

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